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Reading time: 4 minutes
The way legal professionals work was irreversibly changed in recent years by technology. Using the power of legal tech, we are now able to do our work basically from anywhere in the world. Adding to that, with the help of our powerful smartphones we now stay connected with our work for a longer period of time than before the tech boom era. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, just that it happens. A lot, all the time, working days and weekends. To all of us, Read more…
Reading time: 5 minutes
It is obvious that the new, disruptive technologies like Cloud Computing or Internet of Things, provide many benefits to their users. Just by comparing the present time with the early 2000s, we can see the tremendous effect technology had on human evolution. But, as everything else that is good, it comes at a price. Part of this price consists in the number of privacy and data protection implications for the end-users of these technologies. To respond to these privacy threats, the Read more…
Reading time: 5 minutes
Once upon a time, the “software” was invented. It was a program created by a developer which, once installed by users on their computers in exchange for paying a price, opened the possibility for the magic to begin. After benefiting from its glory for many years, the developer then realized that this type of one-time-payment software limits the growth of his business and came up with a new, more cash flow efficient idea. And this is how, in short, Software as a Services Read more…
Reading time: 6 minutes
Nowadays, having a smartphone is nothing unusual. Most of the people own one. The rate of adoption grew faster in the last years, thanks to a tremendous competition between the manufactures but also between the OS platforms. While the usual suspects like Samsung and Apple continued their massive growth that started more than 10 years ago, other manufacturers entered the premium smartphones scene in the last half a decade, with China being the Read more…
Reading time: 3 minutes
Hello, you future entrepreneur! You finally decided to give it a go and put your money where your mouth is. You’ve made your plan, you’ve gathered everything together and all you need to do next is to start your own company. Now, let me help you a little bit by pointing you in the right direction where you can find out which steps you’ll need to take in order to set up your own startup. First of all, you should know that as an EU citizen you are entitled to start your own Read more…
In June 2018, the European Commission named a group of independent experts on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) with a general objective to support the implementation of the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence. Everything started from the idea that AI can bring many benefits for a wide range of areas, like medical assistance, energy consumption, automotive, agriculture, climate change, managing financial risk, to name just a few. Moreover, the European Commission Read more…
Reading time: 5 minutes
This year will forever remain in the memory of the entire globe population. Just like the years of the world wars or the ones of the economic crashes, 2020 will be forever remembered by those who lived it as well as by those who were only told about it. It was the year when we were all introduced to Covid-19, the new coronavirus that made more than one million global victims until now. But this year will also be remembered by many individuals for more happier Read more…
Reading time: 5 minutes
We’ve been living in an online world strangled by cookie banners for almost two and a half years now. After years of preparation, the data protection reform officially started across the European Union in May 2018. Even from its first stage, this reform spread its implication worldwide once the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable and the entire world wide web plunged into a cookie banners madness. The GDPR, the standard-bearer of the Read more…
E-lawyering sounded like a total science-fiction concept a few years ago. “What do you mean by legal services offered exclusively online?” was the most common reaction when people were first introduced to this concept. Back then, the undeniable benefits of the online legal services were not that visible. The notion of classic lawyering, when we go to our lawyer’s office, was too well imprinted into our minds. It was quite difficult for us to comprehend that it might be Read more…
Reading time: 5 minutes
Marketing a legal service and being totally transparent about the fees is not something common. Most of the time, law firms will post on their website the legal services they provide along with a general description of the fees, like hourly fee or fixed fee. You will rarely find any actual number to reflect the value of those fees. The most common reason why this is happening is that it’s almost impossible for lawyers to evaluate upfront how much they should charge for a Read more…